Thursday, October 08, 2009

2009 Voting time

Hello players, next Sunday is the last day to send your votes, please, register at the tour and send them as soon as possible. You have only to follow these instructions:

1. Sign up at HARP. If you are already signed up at HARP, skip this step.

2. Sign up for the Tour here. If you have signed up at HARP, and is logged into HARP, your Nickname will come up automatically. Check the box, and click Edit Registration.

3. Check out the Knights List, and see how many votes you can use in each category.

4. Check out the Games List, and see what games to use your votes on. Each game is a link to wos, so you can see which game is exactly.

5. Paste this txt file into your mail program, and fill it out. Then send it to the address specified into the file.

Remember, 11th October is the last day, but you can register at the tournament afterwards, the sing up willl not be closed until one month or so.

1 comment:

Frankie said...

Start voting, every vote counts :)