Friday, October 30, 2009

Now I can say it has started!

I'm happy, one more year a new eidtion of SpeccyTour is running. We are in the middle of the second week, 29 players signed up, and 16 of us have already submitted recordings.

We have players from all over the world, even an Indian (Arjun Nair), who began sending 3 recordings a week ago and has no activity. Don't get frustrated, you'll be surprised about you can get if you play until the end. Also want to say hello to players from previous editions that have come back another year. I hope all of you enjoy the tournament.

Now it's time to take a sight to the leaderboard... Alessandro Grussu, outrcurrent championship is at the first place, he is having a terrific beginning, almost every first place is his . He's followed by my friend Frankie (aka Michael Bruhn) who alwasy is complaining about how bad he is, but ... he's at second place, so he can't be so bad... (remember that he'll pay 50$... I hope to me), and not so far, a new player BadBeard, another fantastic player, cosmo2 (aka Dejan), and another newbie WhenIWasCruel. I hope all of you enjoy and fight for the victory. You can beat Alessandro, I'm sure ;)... don't get upset Alessandro... :)

There is another newbie called Looser that is at the middle of the leaderboard, but has 3 third places, so he is doing very well, I think he could be dangerous!

Well, no more for today, I hope the rest of players who haven't submitted any recording, play some games and get some points, it's very easy give it a try, don't be afraid and play!

1 comment:

Frankie said...