Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last two weeks

Hey, we're at last two weeks of the tournament. The fight for the top is exciting between Gazzosa and BadBeard. Only one point of difference. I'm jealous, because I'd like to be in the fight, but I'll have to wait to next year.

Anyway, as always, a new Week Code is needed for the first of these two weeks. I have added all of player's points in the Leaderboard:

123 + 122 + 84 + 69 + 69 + 67 + 52 + 50 + 38 + 32 + 30 + 26 + 16 + 14 + 13 + 6 + 5 + 2 = 818,

so the new Week Code is: 818

This code will be valid from Monday's recordings to next Sunday 6th, Dec.


Alessandro Grussu said...

This year's Tour has bogged down into a sort of chess game between me and BB. Come on, there's still room for improvement ;)

Alessandro Grussu said...


Spectaculator 5.3 omits the 0 at the beginning of this week's code. I noticed it while recording a second game after the first one with the new code. Therefore the actually embedded code seems to be 818, not 0818. Can 818 be valid as a code too?

Unknown said...

Yes, Frankie noticed about it too. 818 is a valid code.