Saturday, December 13, 2008

2nd Week code

It's going to begin the last week of the tournament, so you'll need a 2nd week code to play games. The new week code will be the sum of 2nd to 6th place of our Leaderboard, multiplied by 7:

(86 + 73 + 67 + 60 + 55) * 7 = 2387

The code is valid from 15th Dec to the of the tournament 21st Dec.

Good luck to everybody, and have fun!


Anonymous said...

My score of 210 pts. in Gotcha is wrong. I mistakenly uploaded the file of my Lotus Turbo Esprit recording. Such score must therefore be attributed to Lotus Turbo Esprit only.

I already sent a message to Alex but I wanted my fellow players to know that :) so that score calculations for everyone will be corrected. I apologize for the error.

Anonymous said...

I have corrected the score to the previous 165 pts., so that the leaderboard shows the correct scores now.